
Amidst changing oceans, a new life awakens through wanderlust


Mocha Diaries: Digging Out the Roots

The last few months I’ve been really looking inwards and asking myself some of the harder questions in life. Not just on a superficial level, but on a level I know I need to ask myself, why do I do this? Why am I okay with this? What needs to change? What is this teaching me? Continue reading

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Mocha Diaries: Why Do I Need To Lose Weight To Be Loved?

Let me start by saying, I’m not huge. I am a bit chubby, and if I had to take a BMI test it would say I am just over the line for the obese category. I’ve had an obsession with my weight equating to acceptance and love since I was in middle school. At the time all of my friends were smaller than I was and though we all suffered from the media’s perception of beauty it was twice as hard to watch my smaller friends find faults in themselves as it seemed those faults would be worse in someone who is bigger. Continue reading