
Amidst changing oceans, a new life awakens through wanderlust


Teacher’s Day (스승의 날) 2014

Today is Teacher’s day!

I almost forgot that it was teacher’s day until I received a kakao message this morning from a former student of mine. It was one of the best things to start the day too. I translated the message as I wanted to share it with everyone back home and for those who don’t understand enough Korean yet.


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My First Teacher’s Day

Back home we have Teacher Appreciation week and if you were to ask me when it was, I would stare at you and say, “Let me google that.” I don’t know the answer to the question and I still do not know. However, thinking back on it many people rarely mentioned it or did things for their teachers.

Korea is different. All of my students know when Teacher’s Day is, they even know a song to sing to their teachers. I received a letter with a gift from one Elementary student the day before Teacher’s Day. I thought it was cute and even though my name was spelt wrong and there is one sentence I do not understand it was appreciated.

IMG_20130514_145423 (letter from my student.)

On Wednesday, it was Teacher’s Day. All of us dressed up and had an assembly in the gymnasium and my co-teacher and I read the Teacher’s Oath in English and Korean. We received special corsages from the students and they sang to us. It is pretty sweet that all the students sang even the ones who never listen in your class.


After the formalities and handing out awards to students, we headed to the Teacher’s office and we were given gifts of food, cake, rice cakes, and fruit by parents and fellow teachers. It was really sweet and it was nice to know everyone could share in this. After we headed back outside for a Teachers vs. Students soccer game.

IMG_20130515_101545 (Food and cake from students’ parents.)

The numbers weren’t even so a few students switched teams from time to time as the teachers’ team had no replacement players. I was hit in the face with the soccer ball about 4 minutes into the game and continued to play. I think I earned some points for that. Luckily after it was over the teachers’ won. I pulled a muscle as well and went on to eat a yummy lunch for the day.

My first experience with Teacher’s Day was great. I could be greedy and wish that more students had written me letters or given me gifts. But I think the smile on their faces is a great reward especially when they are happy their were no classes for the day.