
Amidst changing oceans, a new life awakens through wanderlust

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Celebrating Losar in Amdo!


Visiting a relative’s house at Losar.

I haven’t celebrated Losar in many years, and normally I just get to eat the leftover khapsey. Which I love to dip into tea and munch away! Losar is the Tibetan Lunar New Year, which happens to fall around the same time as the Chinese Lunar New Year and Korean Lunar New Year. Although sometimes Losar can fall at a different time than the other New Year’s as well.

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Mocha Diaries : In Between Land

In Between Land.  That’s where I am.  Where is in between land? It’s anywhere between where you were and where you will go! It can even be a state of mind. In between land is kind of a rough place to be. I’ve been back home for 5 weeks now and I should be adjusted to life, but I’m not. I have no semblance of a life I was used to as I reverted back to how my life was 5 years ago minus a job. Continue reading

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Confessions of a Lazy Language Learner

I always start out so excited and ambitious with languages and then well…I fall off that high horse real quick. I love learning languages, but I’m lazy. Sometimes I make a lot of progress only to backtrack, because I haven’t opened up a book in a month or two. Which is not how one becomes better at language it actually  makes the process that much slower and aggravating.  Continue reading


Mocha Diaries: The People We Meet

I’ve long believed that the people we meet, we meet for a reason. I especially feel this more since I live in  a city at the moment. Why are we only friends with certain people? Why are we not crossing paths with all those who pass by us on a daily basis? Why doesn’t everyone in the world know everyone? Granted I think most of us couldn’t keep 7 billion names straight if we tried, but it is something to ponder.

I think that we let certain people into our lives for different reasons, whether consciously or subconsciously. We could get to know someone else better that we don’t know, but we choose not to, unless we are in a circumstance that really makes us introduce ourselves to others. So most of the time our acquaintances are created out of polite chit chat or one time interactions, that we may not remember. I like to think that the ones we let into our life serve a purpose or they possess that, “click.” Continue reading